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The School Clock

This clock is the original one that was placed in the "Officer of the Day" room, which can be found just inside and to the left of the Main Barracks front entrance. The room was constantly manned by a cadet officer (O.D.), a cadet NCO, and a cadet private throughout the school year. This was considered an "additional duty" and was rotated within the Corps of cadets during the school year.

Their responsibilities included ensuring that all school functions occurred on a precise schedule. They would also greet and register visitors, answer phone calls, and document cadets coming and going from the campus. Using a clock as the master timepiece, the Officer of the Day would play sound recordings of bugle calls that were appropriate for various school functions, such as:

Reveille (Get up/dressed) 7:00AAMAMA O.D.
00:00 / 00:21
First-CallAMA O.D.
00:00 / 00:06
Assembly (Formation) 7:05 AMAMA O.D.
00:00 / 00:13
Recall (Throughout the day to denote changes in activity)AMA O.D.
00:00 / 00:08
Meal-Call 7:30 AM / 6:10 PMAMA O.D.
00:00 / 00:11
Tattoo (Quiet Time) 9:25PMAMA O.D.
00:00 / 00:16
Taps (Lights Out / Sleep) 9:50PMAMA O.D.
00:00 / 00:58
Reveille With ScratchesAMA O.D.
00:00 / 00:25

The O.D. used to play bugle calls in the guard house from an old record player using steel 78 rpm records that were decades old. These records had undergone a lot of abuse over the years. Even though the school has now closed, a studio recreation of a recording has been made to better resemble what the cadets actually heard during the 1960s and 1970s, including the scratches and approximate volume. Although not condoned, many cadets over the years added their personal "mark" to the clock's face and interior during the long, boring hours of guard duty. Today, this graffiti serves as a silent testament to all the young men who passed through the doors of this institution over the years.

Augusta Military

Academy Museum

Voice: 540-248-3007
Fax: 540-248-4533

Museum Hours

& Location

1640 Lee Highway

Fort Defiance, VA 24437


10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Closed Mother's day and Major Holidays.

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